If you click this link Trains in the World, you will see many different types of trains in the world. These trains are all new and shows how much technology has increased. I think the best train is the one from Taiwan. The train is white with orange going around it. These new trains are very fast, as well. The train from Taiwan travels at about 335.5 kilometers per hour. There are many other train like this one, but this on, in my opinion, is the best. This website was very informative and i recommend this site to any other person who would find this fascinating.
About Me
What time is it?????
Monday, November 23, 2009
Different Train Transportions In The World
Posted by **Moet** at 11/23/2009 12:08:00 PM 0 comments
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When Ms. Williams is Absent
When Ms. Williams is absent...you have work. Go to http://exploratoryblog.blogspot.com. When you go there the work to do is under the name "When Ms. Williams is Absent". You will find what to do there.
Posted by **Moet** at 11/23/2009 11:48:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Holiday Time
November is here. Its that time of the year, holidays are coming. Election Day, Veterans Day, and best of all THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!! I love Thanksgiving. Its a time to celebrate
with family. Aunt, uncles, mothers, fathers, grandparents, cousins, siblings all under one roof sharing the love. Well, actually I don't really like Thanksgiving because of the family that much, I like it for the FOOD. So much food is made for Thanksgiving, that there are leftovers for weeks. Chicken, baked ziti, baked macaroni, collard greens, etc. Just thinking about makes me hungry, so I am just going to stop talking about it. But, I will say I can't wait until Thanksgiving.
Posted by **Moet** at 11/08/2009 01:10:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Flying With Amelia
Posted by **Moet** at 11/04/2009 11:49:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween
Halloween...Some people say its the devil day,but I think its just a day to get free candy. On Halloween many people dress up as princesses, vampires, etc and go around screaming Trick-Or-Treat. On this day I usually go trick or treating with my sisters and get a lot of candy. I also think this day is a Cavity Day. On Halloween, remember have fun and scare as many people as you want. WOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Posted by **Moet** at 11/01/2009 09:10:00 PM 0 comments