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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Child Labor on Cacoa Farms

If you click Child Labor on Cocoa Farms, you can read an article talking about children working on cocoa and palm plantations. The children on these plantations work long hours and receive no pay. In my opinion, this is slavery all over. Children are often bought to work cheap and usually work everyday. The children working on these plantations are often 11-16. This is a very young age to be slaving on plantations, in my opinion. I think this is a job for adults and that children should not have to do this. This child labor is very common in West Africa.

Working for Scrooge: 5 Worst Companies for the Right to Associate

If you click Working for Scrooge: 5 Worst Companies for the Right to Associate, you can see a list of companies who have been tied to the murder of union workers. Among these companies are Nestle, Dole, Del Monte, Russel/Fruit of the Loom, and Wal-mart. These companies are all very big, everyday people use these companies' products. Now that reading this, I do not want to use their products. Killing people for selfish reasons is prohibited and I do not think they should receive anything for it.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Chocolate is loved in many different places for its great taste and different flavors. Everyday you can see different people eating chocolate, but do you know who manufactures the chocolate? Well, chocolate comes from many different parts of the world. One of these places is Mexico. Mexico creates dark my opinion Mexico makes the worst chocolate...but that's just because I hate dark chocolate. Another place that makes chocolate is Belgium. Belgium is the creator of Godiva Chocolates. Godiva chocolate is one of the most expensive chocolates in the world, their prices range from $3.50-over $500. Chocolate is also created U.S.A. In many different places in U.S.A Hershey chocolate is made, white chocolate and many others. Chocolate is made from a cocoa bean and the cocoa bean can be found in West Africa, Central and South America and Asia. If you click statistics you can see a chart showing how many countries produce cocoa beans.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Police Shock Pa. High School Student With Taser After Fight - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

Police Shock Pa. High School Student With Taser After Fight - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

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Pa High school student tasered
